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IAM Honors Our Past, Builds Our Future at 41st International Convention

The IAM Eastern Territory and the city of New York welcomed 1,135 IAM delegates from across North America. The theme of this year’s 41st IAM Convention was “Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future”

IAM International President Brian Bryant kicked off the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City.

Other highlights of the week included speeches from Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie SuU.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine TaiU.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)New York State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer and President of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Terry Melvin.

The IAM Committee on the Future (COTF) held two panels during the Convention:

The panels were born from listening sessions they had with members throughout the territories. 

The other panels included a panel on how corporations work to bust up unions and a groundbreaking discussion featuring a panel of environmental and labor experts who shared insights from a comprehensive study conducted by Cornell University in partnership with the IAM Strategic Resources Department and Communications.

IAM International President Brian Bryant Bryant expressed his deep pride and gratitude to the membership for their solidarity and participation in voting on resolutions and reports that will shape the union’s work for the next four years. 

During the Convention, delegates passed propositions and resolutions that will help shape the future of our union, including support for functioning locals, the re-establishment of the Committee on the Future, continued support of the LEADS program, and support of the Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant.

“Thank you for lending your voice to build the future of our great union,” said IAM International President Brian Bryant in his closing remarks to the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention. “Thank you for representing your membership back home with pride and passion.” 

Click here to view all the photo galleries from the 2024 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.

IAM Southern Territory General Vice President Craig Martin made the announcement in New York that the 42nd IAM Convention will be held in New Orleans. 

Transportation Communications Union (TCU) & Brotherhood Railway Carmen Division (BRC) Reach Local Agreement with CSX Transportation

August 21, 2024 – Today, TCU & BRC reached a tentative agreement with CSX Transportation. The tentative agreement is a five (5) year term which provides 17.5% in General Wage Increases (18.77% compounded), improves vacation agreement entitlements, secures improvements in health and welfare benefits while maintaining the current 15% monthly contribution and modifies local work rules currently in effect.

This is the largest wage increase received on CSX in any round of bargaining outside of a Presidential Emergency Board in over twenty (20) years. It provides the first meaningful improvements to the National Vacation agreement in over fifty (50) years. It also marks the first time our members will have a new agreement in place before the expiration of the current agreement.

Our current contract with the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC) is through the end of this year. TCU began negotiating with the NCCC following the membership survey from local lodges with members in national bargaining. The survey results were clear, our members wanted an agreement without waiting for years of unnecessary delay which has long been the standard in this industry. 

It became obvious there was no path to reach an agreement in a timely manner with the NCCC, and negotiations would be at a standstill. TCU National President Maratea instructed representatives to engage with each of the individual Carriers at the local level in attempt to reach agreements. Bargaining locally would also allow us the opportunity to address a number of Carrier specific work rule issues which are often abandoned in national bargaining or when part of a larger coalition.

“I cannot recall a time in my entire career when there has been a new contract in place before the expiration of the current contract with any of the freight Carriers. Our members made it clear this needed to change. I am proud to let our members know we have met that goal and reached a tentative agreement that will provide real wage growth, improve vacation and improve our great health insurance benefits.  And we did it without years of unnecessary delay and stall tactics. This is a truly historic moment in negotiations with the freight railroads and I am proud that TCU is leading the way. I appreciate the hard work of our entire negotiating committee and we look forward to getting the ratification process underway in the coming days,” said TCU National President Artie Maratea.

“While we hoped to be able to reach an agreement with the NCCC, that wasn’t the case. CSX did the right thing and stayed at the bargaining table and reached a fair agreement for our members. CSX CEO Joe Hinrichs promised he would do everything possible to reach a fair and timely agreement. He kept his word and I appreciate that. The other Carriers should take note and can be assured we are expecting timely agreements from every one of them as well.”

Copies of the Tentative Agreement and documents for ratification will be distributed over the next few days.  Questions can be sent via email to TCUTA@TCUnion.org.

Full copy of the TCU CSX Tentative Agreement here

Full copy of the BRC CSX Tentative Agreement here

Railroaders Fund Our Retirement Board: Tell the House to Give Us the Budget We are Owed!

Railroaders Fund Our Retirement Board: Tell the House to Give Us the Budget We are Owed!

The House Appropriations Committee is proposing DEEP cuts to the Railroad Retirement Board’s (RRB) budget for FY 2025. After years of flat funding, the agency has been struggling to keep up.

These cuts are being proposed even though the RRB’s budget is financed by OUR payroll taxes, paid by rail employees and employers, and is NOT funded by the U.S. Treasury’s general fund.

The proposed budget of a mere $100 million for the RRB, a $28 million cut from FY 2023, would be cataclysmic for the Board. For reference, a $2 million cut in FY2024 resulted in a hiring freeze and wholesale budget cuts to the already-strained agency. As a result, call wait times have ballooned, and disability claims currently take up to 18 months to process (vs. usual 2-3 months).

This is unacceptable. Railroaders and their families deserve better. We deserve a functional RRB!

“A budget cut of this proportion will directly harm the rail employees and annuitants who have paid into the system their entire careers. The agency has requested that Congress fund the agency at $172.331 million, because without a significant increase, the agency will not be able to provide the rail community with the customer services that it deserves. The current House proposal puts the agency at high risk of mission failure,” says a statement from the Railroad Retirement Board.

A greater reduction to the RRB’s budget would mean even longer call times and waits for railroaders to access benefits like railroad retirement, unemployment insurance, and process and resolve sickness and disability claims.

The House needs to approve the full funding of $172.331 million requested by the RRB.

Railroaders have already paid to fund their own board. Congress needs to do its job and provide the RRB’s budget request. Our appointed railroader board members know better what railroaders need, and Congress should listen to them.

Send a letter NOW to tell Congress to fund the RRB! It’s our money! Give it to us!


Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024:



Sign Up Today for the Machinists Wood, Pulp and Paper BBQ Benefitting Guide Dogs of America!

Save the date on Saturday, Aug. 3 for the 5th Annual Machinists Wood, Pulp and Paper Council (MWPPC) Virtual Chillin’ & Grillin’ BBQ Competition!

The event will benefit the IAM’s favorite charity, Guide Dogs of America | Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC.) All IAM members are welcome to compete for the title of best cooks!

Watch and share the promotional video here.

To register, sponsor or donate, visit give.guidedogsofamerica.org/BBQ2024.

How Union Negotiations Work: A Member Perspective

The IAM negotiates many contracts for its membership every year. Members often wonder what it takes to sit down at the bargaining table and negotiate a contract. For instance, negotiations often involve discussing and agreeing on issues such as wages, working conditions, benefits and more. These discussions can be intense and require a deep understanding of our members’ needs and concerns.

Recently, four IAM shop stewards were asked to join a negotiations team of more than 30 in Chicago to bargain with management for a new national IAM agreement with UPS.

Watch the video here.

IAM Local 701 Shop Steward Bernard Horbrook was one of the four stewards who attended the important contract negotiations. 

“Negotiations certainly is a lot more detailed and intricate than most of us would know,” said Horbrook. “My presence being here certainly gave me a different outlook or how important it is for all to come together and to be able to negotiate something this comparable and better for all of us going forward.” 

IAM Local 10 Shop Steward Travis Smith also participated during the session and is proud to represent his membership.

“I became a shop steward to help out my membership, my group and basically to be the change,” said Smith. “Participating in negotiations gives us the opportunity to influence decisions that directly affect our members, making our union stronger and more responsive to our needs.”


To all Members that have signed up as TCU Lifetime Retirees:

Due to the overwhelming response to the TCU Lifetime Retiree mailing, TCU will be sending out the new cards and packets in July.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to websteward@tcunion.org

IAM Commemorates Fallen on Workers Memorial Day

IAM Commemorates Fallen on Workers Memorial Day


May 2, 2024

Worker safety is one of the most important aspects of being a union member. On Wednesday, May 1, in a ceremony held at the IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Workers’ Memorial Park, the IAM remembered those who passed too soon.

Every year, the labor movement observes Workers Memorial Day to remember workers killed or injured on the job and to renew the fight for strong safety and health protections. Each day, more than 340 workers are killed, and more than 6,000 suffer injury and illness because of dangerous working conditions that are preventable.

For over five decades, unions and our supporters have relentlessly strived to fulfill that commitment, achieving workplace protections and shaping federal and state regulations that enhance job safety and preserve lives.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect in 1971 after unions raised awareness of work-related deaths, diseases, and injuries. Unions organized and demanded safer working conditions, which have saved more than 627,000 workers’ lives since the act passed.

“Despite all of our progress, we are still reminded every year of the dangerous nature of our work,” said IAM International President Brian Bryant. “We are reminded that it is our union’s most sacred duty to ensure our members’ safety.”

Initially, we remembered only those who perished from workplace tragedies and occupational ailments. Now, the IAM also extends tribute to those who committed themselves to the labor cause or indelibly influenced our union’s legacy.

“We must continue to bond together to keep our families, coworkers, and neighbors safe,” said IAM Safety and Health Director Michael Oathout. “We must hold employers accountable to keep workers safe. We must fight to protect our fundamental right to a safe job.”

To watch the ceremony, click here. To view the full photo gallery, click here.

Fallen Members: 18
Frederick M. Anderson, Jr. – TCU/IAM Local 6334
James Balk – IAM Local 2777
Albert Banks Sr. – IAM Local 1445
Matthew Carter – IAM Local 4 
Derek James Etzcorn – IAM Local 1635
Bryan Fleigle – IAM Local 175
Daniel Fumar – IAM Local 1781
Sandra Grosberger – IAM Local 175
John Hammerbacker Jr. – IAM Local 175
Sherri Harrison – IAM Local 175
Devvin Patrick Hasson – TCU/IAM Local 6004
Otha “Jay” Jones Jr. – IAM Local 2003
Kevin Lamond – IAM Local 175
Robert “Jeff” Moore – IAM Local 18
Robert H. Skinner – IAM Local 18
Christina Smith – IAM Local 1635
Danny Suafoa – IAM Local 2202/District 142
Terry Trowbridge – IAM Local 175 

Special Remembrances: 11
Retired Business Rep for IAM Local 1769/District 75 – Charles Cooper Jr.
Retired IAM Local 2003 Member – Carl “CT”  Dean
Retired GST Special Assistant – Steven Dunn
Retired Railroad Coordinator/General Chair – Mark “Flip” Filipovic
Grand Lodge Auditor – Michael Gonzales
Retired Western Territory Chief of Staff – Robert Gregory
Retired Director of Legislative and MNPL – William Holayter
Retired IAM Local 1125 Life Member – Wayne Ihrig
Retired Headquarters Resident General Vice President – George Poulin 
Retired Grand Lodge Representative – Jack Sams
Retired IAM Local  777 Member – Terry R. Sutton

Dear IAM Family,

Happy 136th birthday to the IAM! It’s a testament to all of you, and all those who came before us, that our great union has risen from a railroad pit in Atlanta in 1888 to the powerful force for working people that we are today.

Since having the honor of becoming the IAM’s 15th International President on Jan. 1, myself and your Executive Council have hit the ground running to build on our successes.

We are listening to you – our membership. We are organizing and growing our union. We are embracing our diversity. Most of all, we are moving the IAM into an even brighter future.

Led by membership input gathered last year by the IAM Committee on the Future, myself and your Executive Council are already implementing changes to strengthen our union. We are working toward new ways of communicating with our members and branding our union, expanding mentorship and training opportunities, improving our union’s structure, and much more. 

And, our renewed focus on organizing is paying off. The IAM was amongst the fastest growing unions in 2023, and this year, we’ve already won campaigns to represent airline workers, healthcare professionals, artificial intelligence workers, manufacturing workers and more.

We are taking on employers big and small and winning record gains for our members. And, we are realizing our true potential by investing in the leadership of women and other under-represented groups through our new IAM Human Rights Department, and more.

As I continue to travel North America to meet our membership and hear your ideas, I am more hopeful than ever about the future of the IAM. Every day, we are moving closer to fulfilling our purpose of delivering security, dignity and opportunity for all.

Most of all, thank you to all of you for being a part of this journey. Together, we will continue to inspire, empower and create this more perfect union.

In solidarity,

Brian Bryant
International President

IAM Union Encourages Future Investment in Union Workers as U.S. High Speed Rail Expands

WASHINGTON, May 1, 2024 — While the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) had hoped for Brightline West to award its trainset production to IAM Local 2741 (District 19) members at Alstom in Hornell, N.Y., the union is hopeful that IAM and union members across the U.S. will continue to play a formative role in the expansion of the U.S. high speed rail industry.

IAM Rail Division members at the Hornell facility possess the skills and expertise necessary to deliver top-quality transportation solutions, as evidenced by their production of high-speed trains for Amtrak’s Acela service.

With record investments from the Biden-Harris Administration, and the White House’s focus on expanding good-paying union jobs, the IAM remains committed to advocating for the interests of American workers and ensuring that future high-speed rail projects prioritize domestic production and employment.


Our April TCU Veteran of the Month is Brother Nicholas Contreras. Brother Contreras was drafted and served in the United States Army from March 1954 to March 1956. During his service, he completed 16 weeks of Basic and Advanced Infantry Training in Fort Bliss, Texas, and was stationed in Pittsburg, PA.

Brother Contreras has been a TCU member for 65 years. He started with Southern Pacific (now Union Pacific) in 1951 and joined Local Lodge 6783. He then served as Secretary and Vice Local Chairman from 1968 to 1974 and as Local Chairman from 1974 to 1978. In 1978, Brother Contreras was elected General Chairman of Joint Protective Board 450, the post he held until being voted a Carmen Division General Vice President (GVP) at the 1991 Convention. He served as GVP from 1991 to 1999 and retired in March 2000.

Brother Contreras was the first and only Hispanic male to become a Carmen Division GVP.

He now lives in Waller, TX, with his wife and children. He will be celebrating his 90th birthday on April 12th!

Thank you, Brother Contreras, for your service and for being part of our great union! Your TCU family wishes you a blessed & happy 90th birthday!

Join the IAM at the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Annual Convention in May

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) will hold its 53rd Annual International Convention from May 21 to 26, 2024 at the Marriott Marquis Houston (1777 Walker St., Houston, TX 77010).

Register today.

The theme for this year is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us.”

This year’s convention will feature topics and speakers addressing the victories of 2023 and discuss the organizing we need to do in 2024. CBTU Convention guests will include national and international leaders of this great labor movement.

CBTU consists of many IAM members, including IAM National Political and Legislative Director Hasan Solomon, who serves on the CBTU Executive Council.  

“CBTU continues to be a beacon of solidarity and progress in the labor movement,” said IAM Human Rights Director Nicole L. Fears. “The IAM’s presence at this year’s convention signifies our commitment to advancing equality and justice for all workers.” 

Visit the CBTU conference website to register and review all convention-related material.

400+ Illinois Auto Accessory Workers File to Join IAM Union with Backing from Congressman Chuy Garcia

WAUKEGAN, Ill., March 18, 2024 – Approximately 440 workers at Thermoflex in Waukeegan, Ill., who produce high-quality automobile floor and cargo mats, exterior trims and other accessories for major auto manufacturers, have filed to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). The IAM filed a National Labor Relations Board petition today, Monday, March 18 to represent the workers.

U.S. Rep. Chuy Garcia (D-Ill.) is throwing his support behind the campaign, which aims to create fair wage standards and working conditions for Thermoflex workers. Company management has been accused of unjustly disciplining and firing union supporters and workers have cited allegations of wage theft and sexual harassment.

“I understand that Thermoflex employees are organizing to form a union, and I write in support of the free exercise of your legal rights to unionize,” writes Rep. Garcia in an English and Spanish letter to Thermoflex workers. “I urge you to not allow intimidation tactics to dispel your efforts to unionize and negotiate fair wages and working conditions.”

Thermoflex workers, a majority of whom are Spanish-speaking immigrants, are seeking IAM representation because many make less than $20 an hour, have no company-provided health insurance, and no retirement benefits or paid time off.

“Thermoflex workers came to the IAM because they are in dire need of a union that will enable them to bargain collectively and restore dignity in the workplace,” said IAM Grand Lodge Representative Billy Anderson, lead organizer on the campaign. “These brave workers are standing up to the company’s intense anti-union campaign that is severely infringing on their federally protected right to organize. With the collective effort of the workers and the IAM, as well as the support of the community, they will get the justice they demand and deserve at Thermoflex.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, automotive, railroad, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.

Más de 400 trabajadores de accesorios automotrices de Illinois solicitan unirse al sindicato de la IAM con el respaldo del congresista Chuy García

WAUKEGAN, Illinois., 18 de marzo de 2024 – Aproximadamente 440 trabajadores de Thermoflex en Waukeegan, Illinois, quienes laboran produciendo tapetes para pisos y carga de automóviles de alta calidad, adornos exteriores y otros accesorios para los principales fabricantes de automóviles, han solicitado unirse a la Asociación Internacional de Maquinistas y Trabajadores de la Industria Aeroespacial (IAM). La IAM presentó hoy lunes 18 de marzo una petición a la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales para representar a los trabajadores.

El congresista Chuy García (Demócrata-Illinois) está brindando su apoyo a la campaña, cuyo objetivo es crear estándares salariales y condiciones laborales justas para los trabajadores de Thermoflex. La gerencia de la empresa ha sido acusada de disciplinar y despedir injustamente a simpatizantes del sindicato, y a la vez los trabajadores han citado denuncias de robo de salarios y acoso sexual.

“Entiendo que los empleados de Thermoflex se están organizando para formar un sindicato, y escribo en apoyo del libre ejercicio de sus derechos legales a sindicalizarse”, escribe el congresista García en una carta en inglés y español a los trabajadores de Thermoflex. “Les insto a que no permitan que las tácticas de intimidación malgasten sus esfuerzos por sindicalizarse y negociar salarios y condiciones de trabajo justos”.

Los trabajadores de Thermoflex, la mayoría de los cuales son inmigrantes de habla hispana, buscan representación de la IAM porque muchos ganan menos de $20 por hora, no tienen seguro médico proporcionado por la empresa, ni beneficios de jubilación ni tiempo libre remunerado.

“Los trabajadores de Thermoflex acudieron a la IAM porque necesitan urgentemente un sindicato que les permita negociar colectivamente y restaurar la dignidad en el lugar de trabajo”, dijo el representante de la Gran Logia de la IAM y principal organizador de la campaña Billy Anderson. “Estos valientes trabajadores están haciendo frente a una intensa campaña antisindical por parte de la empresa que infringe gravemente su derecho a organizarse el cual es protegido por el gobierno federal. Con el esfuerzo colectivo de los trabajadores y de la IAM, así como el apoyo de la comunidad, obtendrán la justicia que exigen y merecen en Thermoflex”.

La Asociación Internacional de Maquinistas y Trabajadores de la Industria Aeroespacial (IAM) se encuentra entre los sindicatos industriales más grandes de América del Norte y representa a cerca de 600,000 miembros activos y jubilados en los sectores manufacturero, aeroespacial, defensa, aerolíneas, transporte, automoción, ferrocarriles, construcción naval, carpintería y atención médica y otras industrias.


On Wednesday, March 6th, the Senate Budget Committee passed the Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness (REEF) Act out of committee.

The bill, which passed the committee with unanimous bipartisan support, would remove railroad retirement benefits from budget sequestration. In the Budget Control Act of 2011, a 5.7% cut was mandated for railroad retirement unemployment and sickness benefits through fiscal year 2030. Railroaders are the only people to have their unemployment and sickness benefits subject to sequestration, even though railroad retirement benefits are fully funded and paid for by railroaders and railroads.

“I appreciate the Senate Budget Committee for unanimously supporting railroaders today and thank Chair Whitehouse for bringing up this important piece of legislation for railroad workers,” said NP Maratea. He continued, “railroaders play a critical role in keeping our country’s supply chain moving and the traveling public safe and deserve better than to be subject to cuts of a program that they have fully paid into. Especially in the midst of mass layoffs and furloughs at several class I railroads, every bit of these benefits that railroaders have rightfully earned is vital for feeding their families and keeping them afloat.”


TCU National President Maratea, National Secretary-Treasurer Stan Boyd, National Vice-President and Special assistant to the President Matt Hollis, BRC General President Don Grissom, BRC General Vice-President Darren Treiber and TCU National Vice-President Greg Kocialski visited members working on the job at locations in the Seattle Washington and Chicago areas.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic TCU members across the country have been working on the front lines, keeping the traveling public safe and making sure the country’s economy keeps moving. President Maratea praised them for their dedication. “I want to thank each member that worked so hard through the pandemic, I know the work was grueling but you all worked hard to get us through that and I am so proud of everyone.”

The recent Amtrak contract was discussed with the members and questions were answered on many topics.

The Carmen National Agreement and the recent addition of additional paid sick days  were discussed. Local issues were discussed along with ideas and feedback for the improved representation of the members. The Chicago area showed a need for information on Railroad Retirement and an upcoming seminar will be held in November too provide members with access to the most current updates related to Railroad Retirement.

President Maratea said: “I enjoy meeting our members on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”

President Maratea continues to meet with members across the country.

Click here to see the pictures on the TCU Instagram feed.


Since 1986, the Transportation Communications Union/IAM has endorsed the union member-only programs sponsored by Union Plus. Over the years, Union Plus has expanded its programs from their beginnings with the TCU/IAM MasterCard* program to now a wide range of money savings programs, all for union members only.

TCU fully supports the programs available to active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, the benefits can offset paid union dues in some situations.

With the REAL ESTATE REWARDS program, members buying or selling a home can earn $500 for every $100,000 in home value after closing by using a SIRVA pre-screened real estate agent (cashback available in certain states); through the UNION PLUS MORTGAGE, members can receive up to a $500 gift card after closing for purchasing or $300 for refinancing plus an additional gift card for first-time home buyers, while getting a mortgage at a competitive rate. Plus with the mortgage program, members receive special hardship assistance in case of disability, layoff, lockout or strike.

The UNION PLUS CREDIT CARD PROGRAM from Capital One is built for union members with benefits negotiated just for you and your family, like competitive rates, 24/7 US based-customer service, and access to hardship grants only available to cardholders. Learn more and find out if you’re pre-approved with no risk to your credit score at theunioncard.com or call 1-800-522-4000.

Need a UNION PLUS SCHOLARSHIP, members and their eligible dependents can apply to win a scholarship ranging from $500-$4,000.

Union Plus offers programs from saving money to financial assistance for those with a current Union Plus Mortgage; Credit Card or Loan. Also, through SAVE MY HOME HOTLINE, members having issues paying the mortgage and/or facing foreclosures can receive 24/7 free, confidential counseling from a fully-trained, HUD-certified counselor for advice and guidance that is personalized to their situation. Or those struggling to get control of debt, through UNION PLUS CREDIT COUNSELING, members can receive a free credit counseling session to help get them back on track financially.

Grants and benefits available for those who have been laid off or furloughed are available to members who currently hold a Union Plus personal loan; credit card or mortgage. Eligible and qualified members with a Union Plus Loan or Credit Cardholders can receive up to a $500 grant. Eligible and qualified members with a Union Plus Mortgage can receive an interest-free loan to cover mortgage payments for up to six (6) months plus a one-time $1,000 grant.

Need a new phone or wireless service, look to the AT&T WIRELESS PROGRAM. The only nationwide unionized wireless carrier. Discounts include percentages off on qualified plans; accessories; waived activation fees.

Everyday Discounts are available through UNION PLUS ABENITY, from fashion to beauty, dining, movie tickets and electronics to everyday household items from national and local retailers.

Looking for Vision, Dental, Prescription & Hearing Savings, look at the UNION PLUS HEALTH SAVINGS PROGRAM. For a low monthly premium, members only pay $50 for eye exams and receive 35% off frames and more; discounts of 20-50% for dental services; up to 65% off prescriptions; and discounts on hearing services.

Union Plus offers many other programs to save members money while knowing these discounts are only for union members, including car rental discounts; entertainment discounts, vacation and travel services; moving discounts and more.

Need more information on a particular program? Members can go to Union Plus at https://www.unionplus.org/tcu-iam.

*Disclaimer: Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.


Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024:




2023 Grievance Handling Update

Since June of 2022, TCU/IAM members received over 1.7 million dollars as a direct result of grievance settlements on the property and/or arbitration awards.
“Filing grievances to protect our members and our work is the primary responsibility of every TCU/IAM Representative. This is absolutely necessary to protect our contracts and ensure our future. 1.7 million dollars directly into the pockets of our members in the last year, that is fantastic! Nothing will stop our union from fighting for our members”- Artie Maratea



The TCU SBA Benefit Trust Medical Copay Program is going digital
TCU Health and Welfare Fund is excited to share that we’ve partnered with TempoPay to enhance our
Medical Copay Reimbursement Program. Making it faster and simpler to access and use your copay
funds for medical care.
What’s changing:

  • Access funds faster: No more manual claims or waiting for checks in the mail.
  • Digital app and payment: Use a mobile app to register your account and access funds.
    o A $200 allowance is loaded to a virtual payment card in the app. Physical cards can be
    requested through the app.
  • Many ways to pay: Tap, swipe, or provide your TempoPay card number at the doctor’s office to
    pay medical copays for you and your family.
    o TempoPay cards will only work at the doctor’s office, otherwise the payment will be
    What’s staying the same:
  • TempoPay funds can only be used to pay for medical copays at the doctor.
  • You will still manually submit claims for reimbursement on prescription-related copays up to $100
    o Email your prescription receipt and claim form to tcucopayreimbursements@tcunion.org
    or by mail to TCU Offices at 260 W 35th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10001

What you need to do:

  • Keep an eye out for emails coming from TempoPay starting June 30.
  • Starting June 30, download the TempoPay app on your smart phone and register.
  • Once registered, your virtual card is funded and can be used right away. Request a physical card
    if you need one.
  • Help us spread the word to other TCU Health & Welfare members so everyone can access
    their reimbursement funds and stay healthy!



The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) administers the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA), which provides two kinds of benefits for qualified railroaders: unemployment benefits for those who become unemployed but are ready, willing, and able to work; and sickness benefits for those who are unable to work because of sickness or injury. Sickness benefits are also payable to female rail workers for periods of time when they are unable to work because of health conditions related to pregnancy, miscarriage, or childbirth. A new benefit year begins each July 1.

Click here to read the questions and answers that describe these benefits, their eligibility requirements, and how to apply for and claim them. It also explains how the recent resumption of a Federal sequestration order reduces benefit rates.
