
About TCU

Individually we are people from many different backgrounds, doing many different jobs. We are clerks, carmen, auto technicians, computer programmers, skycaps and redcaps, on-board service workers, secretaries, supervisors, government workers, truck drivers, accountants, yardmasters, inter-modal workers, police officers, reservations agents, transit workers and more.

Together we form a diverse alliance. However different we are as individuals, we share some hopes in common. We want what most people want from life — A good job with good pay and benefits. Respect. Dignity. Peace. Prosperity.  That’s what TCU is all about. Working together through the Union we know we can achieve our common objectives more effectively.  TCU members set the pace and direction of all the Union’s activities. And the Union’s strength will always be in direct proportion to the degree of participation by its members.

To find out more about TCU, click on Our Proud History.

Headquarters: 3 Research Place, Rockville, Maryland 20850;  phone is 301-948-4910. National President is Robert A. Scardelletti; National Secretary-Treasurer is Stanley L. Boyd.